To Pre-Poo or Not To Pre-Poo?? – Part 1

Hey Friends! It’s your girl Wavee Goddess, and today we are going to be talking about a topic that some people in the natural hair and wave community are familiar with and some that are not.  Today we are going to be talking about pre-pooing! Yes, that’s right… Pre-pooing. And for those of you who aren’t familiar with Pre-pooing, Let me describe what it is.

The term “Pre-pooing” is short for “ pre-shampoo”. It is the step that you do before you begin shampooing your hair. Now the goal of pre-pooing is to add a protective layer to the hair strand to prevent the hair from drying out during the shampoo process. Most shampoos have ingredients such as sulfates and parabens, which dries out the hair and strips it of moisture. This is particularly true with curlier or kinkier textured hair. So, if you have this texture of hair, pre-pooing would be beneficial for you. Some of the benefits of pre-pooing include extra moisture, easier detangling of curls, and hair repair. Pre-pooing can also boost your conditioner’s effectiveness, thereby reduced breakage and stronger curls/waves.


Now, there are many different Pre-poo treatments that you can use during this step. You can use coconut oil, castor, oil, and olive oil, to name a few. There are also pre-poo masks on the market that you can purchase.  

Although pre-pooing seems to have many benefits, I recently ran across a post that gave a different perspective on Pre-pooing. The post stated that pre-pooing was equivalent to going to the gym, coming home, and applying lotion to your skin before going to take a shower.  The post also stated that pre-pooing could be viewed as adding additional oils or products to hair that already has product and dirt build-up. This extra layer would make it more difficult to thoroughly cleanse the hair since shampoo cleans away whatever dirt and residue closest to the outer layer of the hair follicle. This made me pause to think and consider for a moment.



image source: fMWbue5lfkzqOJH9fvLCimtga1Qwz12i7bMIPY9Kg_1cASIqJfl9wehLB3eYJTdVH9g8XDeltDgvZZiIwKlGrKbpZJiK2P8bwfCsdGFiNevN-g2Ijc1kjA=w1200-h630-p-k-no-nu   

Washing Your Hair The Right Way

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