Wavee Goddess Hair Pomade / Hair Butter


A rich, creamy and buttery pomade crafted to nourish, protect, grow, and maintain your waves, short curls, or low-cut natural hairstyle. Also known as “Hair Butter”, this pomade is made with All-Natural, Organic ingredients, providing shine, moisture retention, trainability, anti-fungal, anti-bacterial, and anti-inflammatory properties. It also stimulates blood circulation to the scalp to facilitate the hair growth process while providing nourishment to prevent breakage. To top it off, the Wavee Pomade has an AMAZING SMELL, making it a must-add to your daily hair regimen! This product is a must buy to achieve fuller, healthier, and stronger curls/waves or to maintain a healthy scalp. Whether you’re a waver, baldie, rock a short-natural hairstyle, or need a powerful product to add to your haircare routine, Wavee Goddess Pomade – “Hair Butter” is for you!


* Item may ship in a blue or brown glass jar.

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