Tag Archives: waves

Mental Health and Poppin’ 360 Waves

Mental Health Featured Image

Hey everyone! It’s your girl Wavee Goddess and I want to talk to you today about a topic that is important, and one that has been in the media as of late. That topic is mental health. More and more headlines surrounding mental health have been circulating in the news lately. So, I thought it […]

Finding Your Hair Wave Pattern

DO YOU KNOW YOUR WAVE PATTERN?? Finding your hair wave pattern or wave direction is very important when trying to achieve the ultimate cascade of waves. Knowing, and following, your wave pattern is critical when striving for uniform hair-wave connections. Here are some tips to assist you in determining your wave pattern. These tips can […]

Hair Waves and Moisture

ALERT!!! MOISTURE + HAIR= LIFEEE!! We hear all the time how important moisture is for hair, but we take it for granted. Well ladies and gentlemen… you cannot grow or train your waves / hair in a dry desert land! Moisture is needed to properly grow and maintain anything, including hair! Adding and keeping moisture […]