I started to ponder if I’ve been doing my whole wash routine wrong? But, I also had to consider if my current hair maintenance was working or if it needed to be tweaked a little. After all, my hair did not feel dry and brittle, but it could use a bit more life and vibrancy. Maybe my hair wasn’t getting as clean as I thought! While I thought I was using sulfate and paraben-free shampoo, I discovered that the shampoo was only paraben-free! I was shocked because I was wondering how this information escaped me! So, in this case, pre-pooing may have prevented my hair from over-drying when washing, particularly since my hair has color. But, my hair was still getting cleaned because sulfate aids in lather production. Right???
Any-who, since this discovery, I have decided to revamp my wash routine and try a couple of new products. Products, which are paraben and SULFATE free! So, I am super excited about that. I also plan on sharing my results with you guys, so stay tuned for that post. I’m going to be reviewing the different products I tried and let you all know which ones worked for me and which ones didn’t. I also plan on adding a clarifying shampoo to my wash routine and use it on a day that I don’t pre-poo so that my hair can have a more thorough cleansing. Since I have a regular weekly wash routine because of some of the products I use to lay my curls down, I will probably use the clarifying shampoo every other wash or every two washes. I will experiment with both and let you guys know how it turned out.
Well, that’s the skinny on pre-pooing, guys! Let me know your thoughts on this topic! What do you think about pre-pooing? Is this step a part of your wash routine? I would love it if you’d comment below and let us know! Lol…. Until next time stay safe, have peace, and experience bountiful blessings. One Love!